Celebrating One Year of One Decade, Flukeminimix

Hilmy Fadiansyah
5 min readAug 31, 2020


December 29 kept many historical events, from the massacre of more than 200 people by the 7th US Cavalry in San Diego, Sun Yat-sen was appointed President of the Republic of China, an agreement that recognized the independence of the Republic of Ireland by the British Empire, as well as radio patenting by Thomas A. Edison And on the same date, 11 years ago an instrumental music group was formed in the city of Bandung, Flukeminimix.
Instrumental music, moreover adopting other experiments into the material, in 2009 music like this was still very taboo in the public ears, especially in Bandung. Only a few community gigs or certain segment performances that present the vehicle, one of the culprits is of course Flukeminimix. Manned by Farris Karamy Gibran, Ibrahim Adi Surya, Rangga Damaputra, Iqbal Amrullah, and Roby Aldino, each of whom shared the task of holding instrument control to fill the ambient grandeur of each Flukeminimix song.
A long journey that has passed a decade, they have given birth to an extraordinary album, ‘Between Spaces Into Space’ in 2015. Contains 7 songs, arranged neatly with an amazing story. Previously joined in a compilation album and several collaborative projects across communities. Flukeminimix, who was 10 (+1) years old, celebrated their musical journey by holding a showcase located in the ruins of Taman Sari.

Space Anomaly, Celebration of Waves …
Exactly one year ago, they held celebrations in the momentum of a decade of the formation of Flukeminimix, a performance that was set up in a place where many stories were required, the ruins of the city in Taman Sari, Bandung. Juggling a building that has been evicted, only the remnants of the pillars are also half the walls of the building into a showcase named “Space, Waves …”. Duration of approximately 1 hour, anaesthetizing the public who came. The distortion that echoes spin into the dystopia of space that has already been destroyed by the owner of the power, plus visuals and installation of a light layout that adds to the vehicle to be very magnificent.
Behind the thanksgiving story, there is a small note outside the technical performances. An anomaly about “space” formed by Flukeminimix, broke the boundary of a showcase that was held in an unusual place. Under the big building where the shopping centre and the iconic bridge of the city of Bandung are, the two buildings which are the land of people’s happiness, stand right above the suffering of the citizens who are struggling to keep land, air, and water from being taken away, ironically.
When people have the privilege of being able to fulfil their pleasures, under a large building a shopping centre there are people who must work hard to protect the roof of their property and bodies. When the authorities build an iconic city bridge across the land-dense community, it becomes a tourist selfie to capture the trail that they once stopped here. A big smile is inversely proportional to the situation under their own footing, where to build a latrine just have to go along with the other neighbourhood.
Living in a big city might get a lot of conveniences to fill the needs, in every way we are presented with many choices ranging from the usual quality to the unreasonable. But despite all this freedom, we all have to admit that class differences are real, and we often refuse to agree with them. Many people are facilitated by their abilities and environment, but many people are not given the choice to realize their desires. The flow for the dreams only revolves in certain parts of the class, hard work crap is the main, everyone is sure to do it.
Talking about space, inside there is a square that must move continuously. People are always preoccupied with their daily activities, work, play, everything is done endlessly until we forget how the root of it all must be enjoyed, and we are all involved in the cycle.
As the waves continue to revolve around the hustle and bustle of people’s lives, Flukeminimix tries to represent again how to celebrate something from the most basic
things to re-translate about the components of the material. The sound waves presented by Flukeminimix are magic, melting people’s confusion about how to enjoy wordless music.
Existing and Invisible
Fighting for something that belongs to us is the exercise of words, a price that must be paid in whatever way. Flukeminimix has created a tremendous album, a group of songs that are packaged so nicely, and one of the songs in the spotlight is a song called “Chariot and The Warriors of Silence”.
Becoming one of the songs for a documentary collaboration project that responded to the events of 30 September 1965, remembering what and who was involved and forgotten. Tragedy plays its play as a filler of historical epigraphs, in which many parties play a role and are dragged. As the meaning of the title song about the great warriors who escaped the record, and this happened in various events.
Remembering Roem Topatimasang unmasked the native people who were tamed on their own land, a portrait of the community that was deliberately disguised and obscured, making them alienated in their own ancestral land, excluded and alienated. The presence of the song “Chariot and The Warriors of Silence” is a description of the presence of people who struggle without being highlighted and our sins that do not see them. As if words are running out to describe such a situation, the emergence of nonsong songs is a representation of messages and requests, the instruments that are played describe it entirely without having to say the words of pleasantries that become nothing.
Music, or whatever its form, may not be able to change anything. But there must be inculcated, that the messenger can through any medium, and the processing of these sound waves that become Flukeminimix messengers, through their strains and actions.
In celebrating the existence of Flukeminimix on his journey, we are reminded that many things must be considered in addition to our interests as individuals who must meet needs, rights and obligations are not our own. Because we have strength and bond, and we know that.
The time spent on pursuing this group may be only numbered, but each period through which Flukeminimix has created a lot of extraordinary things. We are always presented with a magical vehicle in every work and appearance. Happy getting older, for today and the future to be looked at next

